Year Six to Seven Transition

I would like to say a very warm ‘hello’ to all our Year Six families and student’s who will be joining us at The Royal Liberty School.  I would like you all to know that myself and all our staff are looking forward to welcoming our new Year seven’s into our school community.  

It is my job to ensure that the transition process supports all our young men.  This process is extremely important and this year we are very glad that this can involve an 'in-person' induction time for the first time in three years.  Please do check your emails and our website regularly for any updates.  

I am very much looking forward to meeting our new students and hope they are excited about this new chapter in their lives and the challenges that will come their way.

Ms Cooper

We also want to give our future students a chance to ask us any questions which they have about anything to do with their new school lives. We are happy to answer any of your questions at all as it will be much better to ask them now than to worry about not knowing something until September! Just fill in the form below and we will get back to you.