Gallery of Excellence

On this page we like to showcase some the exceptional work and projects students complete across all areas of the school.

Creative writing MT

Y11 Creative Writing

A wonderful piece of creative writing from Mikee T in Year 11.

Hover over the document above and click on the arrow icon to read it in full.

Student 2 Copy of 134 Sources of Finance research_ green pen and application questions

Y9 Business Studies

Some exemplary work from Ms. Goodey's Year 9 Business Studies class.

Students were learning about potential source of finance.

Hover over the document above and click on the arrow icon to read it in full.

Year 8 D&T Trinket Box Challenge

The unit is based around wood and different fixing techniques. Students have explored a range of different wood joints and gone on to used a few of them to create a trinket box based and designed around their own user.  Ms. Honey is very pleased and proud of her classes. The students have done a fantastic job!! There are going to be some big smiles and happy people that will be receiving them as gifts.  

Click on the image to see a range of the trinket boxes made by our students.

Year 7 Geography


Year 7 students ahve been studying hot and cold deserts. Harrison P produced exceptional work when explaining how animals are adapted to living in the polar biomes.

Hover on the image above and then click the arrow icon to see the work in full.

Pass the Story 2023 - Competition Winner

To celebrate World Book Day, our Literacy Ambassadors suggested we complete a 'Pass the Story' activity during form time. Each form group participated in the competition, and a winning story was chosen. Form tutors began the story with the magical words, "Once upon a time…" at the top of an A4 sheet of lined paper. Next, they passed the sheet to a student who continued the story. That student added one sentence and passed it to the student next to them. The story continued until all students participated. 

Click the school logo image above to read the winning entry from 9D.

Sporting successes

Our PE department recently celebrated reaching the local borough finals for basketball for four of our five year groups. 

We are delighted to say that three of the year groups that reached the final won their match!!

Click the trophy on the left for reports from all fixtures

GCSE Business Studies - WAGOLLs

A range of 9 and 12 mark exemplary answers written by students during assessments or class tasks. Blue highlights connectives for PEE sentence structures and Pink highlights the use of context which moves students into the higher mark bands for the application questions - 6 mark analyse, 9 mark justify and 12 mark evaluation. 

Click the photograph to see the work in greater detail

GCSE Business Studies - Green Pen Activity

Improved EOU Tests and case study questions to show the use of green pen to develop teacher assessed work. Students use mark schemes and shared knowledge to develop answers to help with revision and develop exam techniques next time. Students have also set themselves improvement targets for next time to focus their own knowledge and progress in the subject. 

Click the photograph to see the work in greater detail

GCSE Business Studies - Case Study Wall

The case study wall resource is also shown where students can take example case studies and answers and read/refer to them when they build their own answers.  

Click the photograph to see the work in greater detail

GCSE Business Studies - Sequence and Revision questions

Bigger picture sequence and revision questions to show students knowledge of each subunit within the topic and how the collection of questions answer the bigger unit questions. This sequence of knowledge builds recall, shows progress and highlights any areas for student individual development

Click the photograph to see the work in greater detail

Copy of Evidence of my logo Creative Imedia

Y9 Creative iMedia (1/2)

Y9 Creative iMedia students created and explained the process behind coming up with a new logo

Click the arrow on the right hand corner of the document to see it in full screen.

Evidence of my Visual Identify

Y9 Creative iMedia (2/2)

Y9 Creative iMedia students created and explained the process behind coming up with a new logo

Click the arrow on the right hand corner of the document to see it in full screen.

Stanley E - NAW workbook

Y7 National Apprenticeships Week workbook

Exemplary example of the work students completed as part of National Apprenticeships Week in February 2023.

Click the arrow on the right hand corner of the document to see it in full screen.

Y8 National Careers Work homework

Exemplar from a Year 8 geography student who conducted research into a career related to the subject during National Careers Week 2023.

Click on the image to see the work in full

Year 7 Catering

An example of some of the dishes students have been producing in Year 7 Catering lessons.

Click on the photograph to view it full screen.

Year 10 Catering

An example of some of the dishes students have been producing in Year 10 Catering lessons, focusing on many key skills.

Click on the photograph to view it full screen.

Year 7 Geography

An exceptional piece of writing discussing how vegetation adapts to a rainforest.

Click on the photograph to view it full screen.

Year 8 Geography

Another exceptional piece of writing analysing the most appropriate sites for a wind farm.

Click on the photograph to view it full screen.