
In September 2023, we launched a three-year Key Stage 3 curriculum for our students in Years 7, 8 and 9. For more details about the new curriculum, please contact our SLT Curriculum Lead.

Name: Mr. J. Benstead


Telephone: 01708 730141 (Ext 1210)

Subject Topics - June 2024

What is my child currently learning?

JUNE 2024

 A list of the topics being covered in all subjects across all year groups.

Hover over the document to the left and click the arrow icon to read it in full.

Whole School Curriculum Vision

At Royal Liberty School, our aim is to provide our students with a curriculum that enables them to achieve high academic standards. Students are encouraged to be creative, independent learners. In lessons they are given opportunities to reflect on their learning. The acquisition of skills to support the development of knowledge is encouraged in all subjects. Through regular assessment, teachers guide them into exploring what they have achieved and how they can extend their understanding.

Students study a broad and balanced curriculum in years 7, 8 and 9. Subjects studied are:

English, mathematics, science, history, geography, a modern foreign language (French or Spanish), cultural studies, design technology, food studies, computing, drama, art, music and physical education.

In addition to academic success, students are encouraged to develop a sense of moral and social responsibility. Students study citizenship and personal, social, health and economic issues through a mixture of timetabled lessons and form time activities. The school makes extensive use of visiting theatre productions and other specialist providers to provide students with a rich experience.

From the start of year 9, students study a core curriculum of:

English language, english literature, mathematics, science, triple science core computing  and physical education.

Students make a further four option choices from:

Geography, history, drama, music, art, computer science, applied business, French, Spanish, product design, resistant materials, catering, G.C.S.E physical education and film studies. All students are encouraged to take the EBacc suite of subjects.

There is an extensive programme of extra-curricular opportunities. There are school sports teams such as football, cricket and rugby as well as a range of other sports clubs such as badminton, basketball and table tennis. Other clubs include STEM club (science and engineering), art club, code club, film club, Spanish club, fitness club and history club.