Reporting an Absence

Reporting your son’s absence

Royal Liberty is committed to promoting the welfare of our students through regular school attendance. We know that every day lost to education can have a serious impact on your son’s attainment and overall progress in school. We are therefore fully committed to promoting school attendance by providing an environment and ethos where students feel safe and can build positive relationships with their peers and staff.

We expect that in return, parents ensure that their son attends school regularly and that holidays in term time are avoided. It is also important that your son is punctual, as consistent lateness is detrimental to progress and disrupts the start of the day for the class.

How to report your son’s absence

If your son is ill and is unable to attend school please contact the school attendance office by telephone: 01708 730141 ex 1204 or by email: stating the reason for absence and in the case of illness, the symptoms. It is your responsibility to call the school to report absence before 8.40 am on each day of an absence.  If a reason for absence is not reported the school will follow the Havering First Day Calling Procedure.

If your child needs to attend a medical appointment during the school day, please notify the attendance officer in advance.  You can collect and return your son from the office in the main reception area of the school. There is a signing in and out record book and you will be issued with an authorised absence pass. A full day may not be authorised for a medical appointment unless medical evidence is supplied in advance to support this.

Please contact the attendance officer, or your son’s Head of Year, if you feel that you require support or advice regarding absence concerns or about the health and well-being of your child.