We are delighted that you are considering the Royal Liberty School and would recommend you find a few quiet moments to read all about us in our School Prospectus. The school currently has a non-selective admissions policy. Admissions follow Government and local authority criteria using proximity to the school and the existence of siblings already on roll as the initial factors in guaranteeing admission.Â
Students and their parent(s)/carer(s) who are considering applying are warmly invited to visit the school. The school holds an Open Evening for Year 6 students and their parent(s)/carer(s) in the September of the year prior to intended admission. The School Leadership Team will also be pleased to provide information and answer questions by letter or telephone, or to meet parents to discuss possible applications. Morning tours are also available for prospective families to look around the school.
Applications for all school places must be made on the application form provided by the Havering Local Authority, with the opportunity to nominate schools, ranked in order of preference. The Havering Local Authority will then notify parent(s)/carer(s) of the outcome of their application for a place.
The Admissions Secretary, Ms Jean Vincent, would be very happy to take your call on any aspect or issue pertaining to the admissions' process.
Ms J Vincent can be contacted on 01708 776106 or by email at .