Senior Leadership
Mr Raftery - Headteacher
Mr Raftery is the Headteacher at The Royal Liberty School. Prior to this he was the Deputy Headteacher at Royal Liberty and has worked in Havering for his whole career. Mr Raftery is very proud to now lead the school. He believes that an excellent education will change the lives of young people and make the local community a stronger, safer place for generations of the future. Mr Raftery has high expectations of all, and the values instilled at Royal Liberty are to ensure students are aspirational, confident, independent, resilient and respectful.
Ms Tuna - Deputy Headteacher
Ms Tuna is an experienced senior leader and joined The Royal Liberty School in September 2022. She is responsible for Outcomes, Intervention, Data, Assessment and Reporting, Whole School Literacy and Higher Prior Attainers. She works closely with all Heads of Faculty within the school to ensure all students have the maximum amount of support and relevant intervention to achieve and over achieve their target grades. Ms Tuna is also an English teacher and is fastidious in her approach to make sure that all boys achieve the very best results that they can which will help carve the way for a successful and fruitful future.
Mr Hinnigan - Assistant Headteacher
Mr Hinnigan joined the Royal Liberty school in September 2019. He is responsible for behaviour, rewards and student voice across the school. He also plans the schools tutor programme ensuring each student has the best possible start to their day and has a well planned tutor curriculum where students are encouraged to discuss ideas and thoughts on many different topics. He is passionate about helping to create well rounded students who when they leave have the ability to succeed in any chosen career. Mr Hinnigan works closely with the Pastoral team and continues to ensure every student in each year group gets the best possible experience while at the school.
Mr Benstead - Assistant Headteacher
Mr. Benstead joined the school in January 2021. He is an experienced Humanities teacher who has worked in the local area for the majority of his career, having qualified in 2011. Mr. Benstead will lead the school’s transition from a two year to a three year Key Stage Three during this academic year. He is passionate about equipping all students with the skills they need in our ever changing world, as is reflected in his leadership of the school’s careers programme. Mr. Benstead works closely with all staff (especially middle leaders) ensuring that they, and our students, achieve their full potential. An avid reader, he strives to ensure that the very latest educational research is integrated into policies across the school.
Mr Evason - Assistant Headteacher
Mr Evason has been at Royal Liberty School for 15 years having joined as Head of Faculty for Humanities in 2007. During this time the humanities curriculum area has expanded and developed with student attainment at grade 4 and above in geography and history more than doubling. Mr Evason now has responsibility for students’ personal development and cultural capital, working hard to ensure that boys here are provided with high quality and relevant opportunities which enrich our curriculum. As Catch Up Lead, he also works closely with Ms Tuna, Deputy Headteacher, to provide personalised subject based intervention programmes, ensuring that students have the very best chance to succeed academically. As lead for Early Career and Trainee teachers, Mr Evason also plays a critical role in supporting and developing new staff, further contributing to and ensuring this quality of education at Royal Liberty.
Mrs Turner - Director of Pastoral Care
Mrs Turner joined The Royal Liberty School in 2017 and became the Safeguarding Lead in September 2022. She is passionate about the welfare and safety of all of our community and strives to ensure that each and every student receives the right support for them. Having been a Head of Year for 4 years, Mrs Turner has extensive experience in working closely with our families as well as numerous outside agencies. Mrs Turner has had the privilege of working with year groups across the school and has been able to build positive relationships with all of our students as a result. As well as being in charge of Safeguarding, she also oversees the Pastoral Team, including Attendance, and thrives on seeing our students reach their full academic and emotional potential in school.
Ms Larner - Associate Assistant Headteacher
Ms Larner joined Royal Liberty School in 2008 and became the SENCo in 2017. As SENCo she is responsible for coordinating the school's SEND support. She feels passionately that all students should be given the opportunity to fulfil their potential. She works closely with teaching staff and support staff to ensure that students with SEND's needs are met and that they feel safe and confident in school.
Ms Ralston - Associate Assistant Headteacher
Ms Ralston has worked at The Royal Liberty School since 2015, having begun as a trainee in the history department. Since then she has led history, RE, SMSC and humanities, before becoming responsible for Teaching and Learning in 2024. Having been recognised as an accomplished classroom teacher her expectations for students and quality of education are extremely high. She believes that it is absolutely vital that teaching practice is innovative, inclusive and evidence based. Ms Ralston works closely with teaching and support staff to ensure that we provide education that is up to date with the most current educational thinking, so that all of our students get the best quality of education possible.